Setup testing environment
I created 123.txt at branch master, then modified 123.txt and added321.txt at branch yqu
C:\test>mkdir GitTest
C:\test>cd GitTest
C:\test\GitTest>git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/test/GitTest/.git/
C:\test\GitTest>echo "this is a file at mast branch" > 123.txt
C:\test\GitTest>git add 123.txt
C:\test\GitTest>git commit -m "initial commit"
[master (root-commit) f140825] initial commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 123.txt
C:\test\GitTest>git push origin HEAD:master
C:\test\GitTest>git checkout -b yqu
Switched to a new branch 'yqu'
C:\test\GitTest>echo "bye" >> 123.txt
C:\test\GitTest>echo "this is new file at branch yqu" > 321.txt
Try patch-format
C:\test\GitTest>git format-patch master
patch-format command only works for committed files.
Try diff
“git diff” is used for unstaged changes, “gitdiff –cached” is used for staged changes, neither includeuntracked files.
Try stash
The above “git stash” and “git show” commands can satisfy the requirement.
git stash show -p > patch
git show fd056bfee6b7129f916f81247f39a4d39d27b466 >>patch
How to create and apply a patch with Git
Create a git patch from the changes in the current working directory
Can I use git diff on untracked files?
In git, is there a way to show untracked stashed files without applying the stash?
Git stash to patch with untracked files
How to recover from “git stash save –all”?