Stoogesort. Analyze the running time andcorrectness of the following recursive sorting algorithm: if theleftmost item is larger than the rightmost item, swap them. Ifthere are 2 or more items in the current subarray, (i) sort theinitial two-thirds of the array recursively, (ii) sort the finaltwo-thirds of the array, (iii) sort the initial two-thirds of thearray again.
StoogeSort时间复杂度为O(_n_log3 / log 1.5 )= O(_n_2.7095…),比合并排序慢,甚至比冒泡排序慢,仅用于低效简单排序示范。
Guess-sort. Pick two indices i and j atrandom; if a[i] > a[j], then swap them. Repeat until the inputis sorted. Analyze the expected running time of thisalgorithm. Hint: after each swap, thenumber of inversions strictly decreases. If there are m bad pairs,then the expected time to find a bad pair is Theta(n^2/m). Summingup from m =1 to n^2 yields O(N^2 log N) overall, ala couponcollector. This bound is tight: consider input 1 0 3 2 5 4 7 6…
Bogosort. Bogosort is a randomizedalgorithm that works by throwing the N cards up in the air,collecting them, and checking whether they wound up in increasingorder. If they didn’t, repeat until they do. Implement bogosortusing the shuffling algorithm from Section 1.4. Estimate therunning time as a function of N.
Slowsort. Consider the following sortingalgorithm: choose two integer i and j at random. If i < j, buta[i] > a[j], swap them. Repeat until the array is in ascendingorder. Argue that the algorithm will eventually finish (withprobability 1). How long will it takes as a function ofN? Hint: How many swaps will it make inthe worst case?
Minimum numberof moves to sort an array. Given a list of Nkeys, a moveoperation consists of removing any one keyfrom the list and appending it to the end of the list. No otheroperations are permitted. Design an algorithm that sorts a givenlist using the minimum number of moves.
Guess-Sort. Consider the followingexchanged-based sorting algorithm: pick two random indices; if a[i]and a[j] are an inversion, swap them; repeat. Show that theexpected time to sort an array of size N is at most N^2 log N.See this paperfor an analysis and related sorting algorithm known asFun-Sort.
Swapping aninversion. Given an array of N keys, let a[i]and a[j] be an inversion (i < j but a[i] > a[j]). Prove ordisprove: swapping a[i] and a[j] strictly decreases the number ofinversions.
Binaryinsertion sort. Develop animplementation BinaryInsertion.java ofinsertion sort that uses binary search to find the insertion pointj for entry a[i] and then shifts all of the entries a[j] to a[i-1]over one position to the right. The number of compares to sort anarray of length N should be ~ N lg N in the worst case. Note thatthe number of array accesses will still be quadratic in the worstcase. Use SortCompare.java toevaluate the effectiveness of doing so.