True or false. Inthe quick union implementation, suppose weset id[p] to id[root(q)] insteadof setting id[root(p)] Would the resultingalgorithm be correct? 答案: 否。使用id[root(p)]可以将p所在连接全部合并到q所在连接,而使用id[p]仅会将p及其子连接合并到q所在连接。
Which of thefollowing arrays could not possibly occur during the execution ofweighted quick union with path compression:
0 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9
7 3 8 3 4 5 68 8 1
6 3 8 0 4 5 69 8 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0
9 6 2 6 1 4 58 8 9
9 8 7 6 5 4 32 1 0 答案: B,、C、E和F。
B中连接{9 1 3}不可能存在。节点1的节点数为2,明显比连接前的节点3多。
C中连接{9 1 3 0 6}不可能存在。这个没有做weight才可能出现。
E中{1 3 6 5 4}不可能存在。节点6的节点数为3,明显比连接前的节点4和5都多。
F中连接{0 9}、{1 8}、{2 7}、{3 6}、{4 5}不可能存在。父子无法互指。
Recursive pathcompression. Implement path compression usingrecursion. 答案:
public int find(int p) {
if (p != id[p])
id[p] = find(id[p]);
return id[p];
- Pathhalving. WeightedQuickUnionPathHalvingUF.java implementsa simpler strategy known as path halving,that makes every other node on the find path link to itsgrandparent. Remark: the amortized costper operation for this algorithm is known to be bounded by afunction known as the inverse Ackermannfunction. 答案:
public int find(int p) {
while (p != parent[p]) {
parent[p] = parent[parent[p]];
p = parent[p];
return p;
- Pathsplitting. Implement an alternate strategyknown as path splitting, that makes everynode on the find path link to itsgrandparent. Remark: the amortized costper operation for this algorithm is known to be bounded by afunction known as the inverse Ackermannfunction. 答案:
public int find(int p) {
while (p != parent[p]) {
int newp = parent[p];
parent[p] = parent[newp];
p = newp;
return p;
Random quickunion. Implement the following version ofquick union: Assign the integers 0 through N-1 uniformly at randomto the N elements. When linking two roots, always link the rootwith the smaller label into the root with the larger label. Add inpath compression. Remark: the expectedcost per operation for the version without path compression islogarithmic; the expected amortized cost per operation for theversion with path compression is bounded by a function known asthe inverse Ackermann function. _答案:_将WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF类中的sz替换成label,在构造时做一次shuffle即可。
3D sitepercolation. Repeat for 3D lattice. Thresholdaround 0.3117.
Bondpercolation. Same as site percolation, butchoose edges at random instead of sites. True threshold is exactly0.5.
Given a set of Nelements, create a sequence of N union operations so that weightedquick union has height Theta(log N). Repeat for weighted quickunion with path compression.
Hex. The game of Hex is played on atrapezoidal grid of hexagons…. Describe how to detect when whiteor black has won the game. Use the union-find data structure.
Hex. Prove that the game cannot end in atie. Hint: consider the set of cellsreachable from the left side of the board.
Hex. Prove that the first player canguarantee a win with perfect play. Hint:if the second player had a winning strategy, you could choose arandom cell initially, and then just copy the second player’swinning strategy. This is called strategystealing.
Labelingclusters on a grid. Physicists refer to it asthe Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm although it is union-find on a gridgraph with raster scan order. Applications include modelingpercolation and electrical conductance. Plot site occupancyprobability vs. number of clusters (say 100-by-100, with p between0 and 1, number of clusters between 0 and 1500) or distribution ofclusters. (seems like DFS would suffice here) Matlab has afunction bwlabel in the image processingtoolbox that performs cluster labeling.