实践记录:将MDF MSSQL数据库内容导入MySQL
玩一个例程源码,它使用的是SQL server数据库,虽然我机子装了VS2005带的SQL server2005,我还是想用MySQL。 把自己的转换过程草草记录下来,也不算太无聊吧。
【环境】VS2005附带的SQL server 2005 & MySQL 5.1
1、下载并安装Microsoft SQL Server Management StudioExpress(SSMSE) http://www.microsoft.com/downloadS/details.aspx?familyid=C243A5AE-4BD1-4E3D-94B8-5A0F62BF7796&displaylang=en
2、 配置SQL2005
==SQL server configuration manager== SQL server service -> 选择SQL serverbrower属性,修改模式为手动,然后启动SQL server brower
==SQL Server Surface Area Configuration ->Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections== SQLEXPRESS -> Database Engine ->Remote connection -> Local and remote connection& using both tcp/ip and named pipes
==SQL server configuration manager== SQL server 2005 network configuration -> protocolsfor SQLEXPRESS -> 选择TCP/TP属性中IPAddresses,删掉动态端口,设定端口为1433