主要是加大调试器超时和启动超时设置 Tomcat设置 catalina.bat中添加如下:
:doStart shift if "%TITLE%" == "" set TITLE=Tomcat set _EXECJAVA=start "%TITLE%" %_RUNJAVA% set CATALINA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5558,server=y,suspend=n if not ""%1"" == ""-security"" goto execCmd shift echo Using Security Manager set "SECURITY_POLICY_FILE=%CTALINA_BASE%\conf\catalina.policy" goto execCmd Eclipse设置
今天看代码时,发现public namespace的使用,搜了一下flex4 in action,貌似没有。 放狗搜了一下,学习学习。 myspace.as
package { public namespace myspace ="http://myspace"; } TestClass.as
package { import myspace; public class TestClass { public function foo():void { trace("Public foo is called"); } myspace function foo():void { trace("MySpace foo is called"); } private function fooPrivate():void { trace("Called private function"); } protected function fooProtected():void { trace("Called protected function"); } public function callFoo(t:TestClass):void { // call the private/protected members on the object. t.fooPrivate(); t.fooProtected(); } } } testApp.
GreenPlum/PostGreSQL操作 Create a new database: createdb medb Drop database: dropdb medb Access database: psql -h gpserver -d gpdatabase -U gpuser -W Get help: medb=# \h Quit: medb=# \q Read command from file: medb=# \i input.sql To dump a database: pg_dump medb > db.out To reload the database: psql -d database -f db.out Dump all database: pg_dumpall > /var/lib/pgsql/backups/dumpall.sql Restore database: psql -f /var/lib/pgsql/backups/dumpall.sql medb Show databases: psql -l medb=# \l; Show users: medb=# select * from "pg_user"; Show tables: medb=# select * from "pg_tables"; Set password: medb=# upadte pg_shadow set passwd = 'new_password' where usename = 'username'; Clean all databases (Should be done via a daily cron): vacuumdb --quiet --all check column of table medb=# select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
The database catalog of a database instance consists ofmetadata in which definitions of database objects such as basetables, views (virtual tables), synonyms, value ranges, indexes,users, and user groups are stored.
The SQL standard specifies a uniform means to access thecatalog, called the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but not all databasesfollow this, even if they implement other aspects of the SQLstandard. For an example of database-specific metadata accessmethods, see Oracle metadata.
由于项目需要,学习使用cobertura检查junit测试覆盖率。 结果ant总是报错:
BUILD FAILEDbuild.xml:54: Problem: failed to create task or typecobertura-instrumentCause: The name is undefined.Action: Check the spelling.Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.Action: Check that any<presetdef>/<macrodef>declarations have taken place. 搜了一些文章,都无解,最后看cobertura的example,找到病根。 解决方法: 将<taskdef classpath=“cobertura.classpath"resource=“tasks.properties” />改成<taskdef classpathref=“cobertura.classpath"resource=“tasks.properties” />就好了。