R和Python都是用于数据分析任务的流行编程语言,都有各自的拥拓者和反对者。Python经常作为语法简单易懂的通用编程语言广受赞誉。在人们心中,R的功能是由统计学家开发的,因此具有特定领域优势,例如数据可视化上具有的大量功能。 DataCamp上有一篇帖子Choosing R or Python for data analysis? An infographic以信息图的方式从数据科学和统计的角度详细对比了R和Python这两种编程语言。
在Windows的Git Bash上想要够过vagrant destroy命令删除一个Vagrant虚拟机,结果碰到了这个错误:
Vagrant is attempting to interface with the UI in a way that requires a TTY. Most actions in Vagrant that require a TTY have configuration switches to disable this requirement. Please do that or run Vagrant with TTY. 据说Windows上的Cygwin以一种奇怪的方式处理stdin导致Ruby以为没有TTY,没想到Git Bash所基于的MinGW也有这样的问题。 权变措施是使用vagrant destroy --force。
我在同事申请的一台机器上安装Vagrant box,结果vagrant up失败,报如下错误:
The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the 'poweroff' state. Please verify everything is configured properly and try again. If the provider you're using has a GUI that comes with it, it is often helpful to open that and watch the machine, since the GUI often has more helpful error messages than Vagrant can retrieve.
var fGrouper = function(oContext) { var v = oContext.getProperty("workbook"); return { key: v, text: v }; } var oSorter = new sap.ui.model.Sorter("", false, fGrouper); oSorter.fnCompare = function(a, b) { // Determine the group and group order var agroup = a.workbook; var bgroup = b.workbook; // Return sort result, by group ... if (agroup < bgroup) return -1; if (agroup > bgroup) return 1; // ... and then within group (when relevant) if (a.